A lighthearted Taoism podcast hosted by a journalist and Tao philosopher.

Show 78 — Disabilities, Guns, and Chapter 32

The New York Times had a great article on why Chuang Tzu was one of the first philosophers to embrace disability, Dr. Totton and Tod discuss. Later, a listener has a questions about guns, and we take a deep dive into Chapter 32 of the “Tao Te Ching.”


  1. Lou Adams

    Thank you for your show. I was surprised and pleased to learn that Dr. Totton has his degree in Vocational Rehabilitation. My Bachelor’s degree is in Religion and my MA in Counseling and with 30 years of experience in Vocational Rehabilitation, I concur with his views. For two years I worked with Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation programs across the country and found that most native tribes did not even have a word for disability in their native language.

  2. Dom Jones

    Such a priviledge to listen to your great show. Thank you.

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