A lighthearted Taoism podcast hosted by a journalist and Tao philosopher.

Show 10 – The Three Treasures and Chapter 17

After a brief hiatus, Dr. Carl Totton discusses his time at the Taoist Gathering in Oakland, California. Then Dr. Totton and Tod discuss the Three Treasures and Chapter 17 of the Tao Te Ching.

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1 Comment

  1. Mikey

    Hey! I’m new to the show but am so far really enjoying it. I just wanted to offer my interpretation of chapter 17, because it’s a little different than the one Dr. Totten offered in the episode.
    I always took the entire chapter to be in reference to leaders. The strongest leaders are hardly noticed, second comes leaders who are loved. Leaders who are feared are weak, and leaders who are dispised are even weaker.
    I interpreted the second half to be a continuation of that theme. When a leader is over bearing and forceful it demonstrates a lack of trust for their subjects, and will therefore generate a lack of trust from them in return. A quiet leader however will be headed, because he doesn’t waste his words. Since he is barely noticed because of leaving the people to their own natural ways and trusting them, when he does speak his words are valued and taken on to consideration. And because he allows the people to refine themselves and each other with little interference, when they accomplish great things under his guidance and leadership, they say “we did it ourselves!”A strong leader looks at their accomplishments as his own, and therefore doesn’t take credit for them. Thanks for the show guys, and for recognizing the need of a Taoist podcast! Keep up the good work!

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