A lighthearted Taoism podcast hosted by a journalist and Tao philosopher.

Episode 1 — The First Step

Our journey begins with an overview of the Tao, which proves a little challenging because, of course, “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.” Then we get to know Dr. Carl and Tod and find out how they became interested in Taoism. Later, we take a look at Chapter one of the “Tao Te Ching.”

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  1. Bryce Mason

    I love it! What a great show! Once again, you never cease to amaze me Sifu. The show is so informative, I am going to share this with my students, and work it into the curriculum to subscribe to this podcast. How exciting!
    Thank you.

    • Carl Totton

      Thanks Bryce! I love doing these podcasts and happy you enjoyed it. Yes indeed, spread the word and stand by for more soon!!
      May the blessings of Tao be yours!
      Carl Totton

  2. Angelo Rosini

    Wow amazing show its a great honor to be able to set and listen to G.M. Totton share his pearls of wisdom on the Dao. He has been a blessing in my life and is a blessing to the martial arts community. One of the rare individuals who has trained under the greatest of Chinese masters a true treasure of knowledge and wisdom of not only the Dao but many other traditions and arts as well. Im looking forward to listening and gleaning from all the future shows thank you both very much!

  3. Joe Boyd

    Love the podcast. I’ve been reading various versions of Tao te ching for many years and love your practical and unpretentious discussion. I have listened to 9 episodes and will do them all. Thanks!

  4. Carly

    Amazing. The first 15 minutes of this episode continues to fit a new lens on life. I’ve somehow made my way to begin school at Jung Tao School in NC in September, and have felt a bit overwhelmed. I’ve only made it through the first 15 episodes of this podcast over the last 3 months, but have listened almost every day and have naturally tried to absorb each one at least 2 times. This is so lighthearted! This podcast makes Taoism relatable. Modern. My days are noticably more patient, led from my heart. I really can’t express how much this podcast has helped me. So much information, so much teaching even in your wording. “I hope there’s a good answer” ; ) As long as these are available, this podcast is favorited for me. Thank you!!

  5. Keenin Ide

    Bryce was my Sifu right around this time. I do recall him referring us to here. May he Rest In Peace. I was the first student to walk through his doors in Hawaii. I still think about him everyday

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